Human parvovirus B19 belongs to the Parvoviridae, Parvovirinae, and Erythrovirus genus. It is a tiny single-stranded DNA virus without envelope, with a diameter of about 20-25nm. B19 virus infection can cause infectious erythema, arthritis, aplastic anemia crisis, fetal edema, miscarriage and other diseases. Moreover, B19 virus infection may even be fatal for some immunocompromised patients. The main route of transmission of the B19 virus is the respiratory tract, and it can also be transmitted through blood transfusion or contaminated blood products, especially blood coagulation factor products. The detection methods for clinical or laboratory diagnosis of B19 infection mainly include antigen and antibody detection and nucleic acid detection technology.
The shelf life of this kit is 12 months when stored at - (20±5) °C.